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Doglingo: A Guide to Dog Internet Jargon

Doglingo: A Guide to Dog Internet Jargon

Have you ever heard of a doggo or a pupper? How about a bork, a blop, or a mlem? If all of this sounds like gibberish, well, it might not be too far off, but if you’re a dog lover, it might sound a bit familiar. These words are just a handful of examples from an entire dog-focused language that permeates the internet -- Doggolingo.

What Is DoggoLingo?

Put simply, Doggolingo is a unique language that has evolved from a combination of converted words, dog memes, onomatopeias, and the imaginations of dog lovers everywhere. You can call it dog-jargon, dog-terminology, or dog-slang. It's basically the words that show up alongside pics and videos of pups that have evolved into a way humans talk to their dogs.

You can find examples of Doggolingo throughout social media, Reddit, and other internet sources. Humans apply this dog-speak to their canine companions as a way to give the pups a voice. In other words, it's humans' interpretation of what dogs are thinking about different situations.

No doubt, your pup already speaks his own language through various barks, growls, tail wags, expressions, and body language. But, if your pup could talk using words, he might use Doggolingo. The best thing is, you don't need fantastic grammar skills or have to be a master of punctuation or spelling. In Doggolingo, well, anything goes!

dog laying it's head on a laptop

How To Decipher Dog Internet Jargon

Even though this canine conversation style is pretty forgiving, there are still a few standard terms that are worth noting. If you want to learn dog vocabulary, you need to understand what these crazy-sounding words mean. 

Here's a rundown of some of the most popular dog lingo terms:

Types of Dogs

These are several words used to refer to different types of dogs. Many of these words’ exact origins are unknown, but they can be found throughout the internet. And you thought all you needed to know was your dog’s name!

Doggo/Doge -- This term refers to any type of dog. The doge version originated from a specific dog meme of a Shiba Inu but has since evolved to encompass all pups.

Woofer -- If you’re talking about a large dog breed, then you use the term woofer. Another variation is boofer. 

Pupper/Pupperino -- What you call a puppy in dog-speak. “What a cute little pupperino!”

Floofer -- How you refer to a very fluffy dog, like a Samoyed or a fluffed-out Bichon Frise. Alternatives for floofer are floof or fluffer.

Boi -- This means a boy dog. This word is most commonly found following an adjective. For example, “You’re a smart boi.”

Yapper -- This word is sometimes used to refer to a small breed pup, like a Pomeranian or Chihuahua.

dog boop the snoot


Pups do some of the cutest and silliest things, and sometimes, it can be hard to find the perfect words to describe their zany antics. Doggolingo has you covered with some go-to words for some of the most recognized and loved doggy actions.

Blop -- When your pup sticks his tongue out, just a little, and lets it stay out, it’s a blop. It’s especially for those times when it seems your pup might have forgotten his tongue is still out of his mouth. Blop also represents the sound of your pup sticking out his tongue.

Blep -- This is another variation of blop, although this version is often applied to cats.

Mlem -- This refers to when a dog sticks out his tongue and licks his nose. It’s also for any type of lapping, sloshing, or other slobbery situation. Mlem also represents the sound of your pup’s licking tongue. 

Bork -- A word for bark. Often, in this fascinating dog-terminology world, words are created by switching out one vowel for another. In this case, the “a” was simply changed to an “o.”

Awoo -- When your dog howls, this is the sound that humans use to represent the howl -- think “Awoooooooooooo!” It can also be used as a verb, such as “My doggo sure knows how to awoo!”

Sploot -- This term refers to a particular sitting position. It’s when a dog sits in such a way that its hind legs make it look like he’s doing a split. 

Boop the Snoot -- This phrase means to press on a dog’s nose lightly. For example, “He’s so cute, you just have to boop the snoot!”

dog barking and talking

Things Dogs Might Say

Oh, if dogs could talk...they'd use Doggolingo! Ever wonder what your pup would say if he could speak what was on his mind? These words result from dog owners who ventured to guess their pup's thoughts and decided to put words to them. 

Fren -- If your dog could talk to you, he’d likely call you his best friend, or fren. 

Heck/Heckin’ -- This is about the closest a dog gets to swearing. It’s used as an exclamation in a variety of situations.

Hooman -- Your pup might also refer to you as a human, but your pooch would call you hooman. “Hey, hooman, get my leash, it’s time for our walk!”

Chimkin -- What dog doesn’t like chimkin (or chicken)? “Hey, fren, please put some chimkin in my dish!”

Henlo -- Your dog’s way to say, “Hello.” In this case, instead of switching out a vowel, a consonant is switched.

You are doin' me a scare -- This is your pup’s way of saying you’re scaring him. 

You are doin' me a concern -- Similar to the above; this phrase is your pup’s way of saying that he’s concerned about something you are doing. You can really insert any type of emotion into this phrase. For example, you are doin’ me a happy would mean your actions are making your pup smile.

frenchie bulldog looking up


There’s also a collection of adjectives used to describe your adorable pup pals. Here are some of the more commonly used ones:

Floofy -- This is the adjective version of floof or floofer. It’s how you describe a fluffy pup. “That Chow Chow is one floofy woofer!”

Smol -- This word means small. 

Thicc/Chonky -- If your dog is on the chunky side, you might refer to him as thicc or chonky, but you use it in an absolutely loving way. 

Goob -- This word is another result of a switched letter. This word means good. “You’re such a goob doggo!”

Have you noticed a pattern yet? Many of these words are simply the result of a switched letter or an added suffix or ending like “ino” or “er.” (Pupperino, fluffer) You can create your own words to enhance your dog-jargon; there really is no right or wrong way to do it!

girl sitting with her dog on phone

Who Uses DoggoLingo?

People who adore dogs are prone to use this dog-speak, and if you spend a lot of time online posting about your pups, the odds are you use it too. Whether you have one dog or ten, stay up-to-date on all the latest dog apps and gadgets, or just love your pup to pieces old-school style, you’ve probably used Doggolingo without knowing it.

Many of the words within this internet language can also apply to other animals, like cats and even snakes. However, dogs seem to be the favorite focus of this quirky lexicon. Ultimately, this language is meant to be endearing and a way to celebrate cute and crazy canines.

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