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Finding Your Perfect Poodle Mix: 15 Popular Doodle Breeds

Man holding poodle

One of the biggest decisions to make once you make the huge commitment to add a dog to the family is what kind of pup to get. There are so many things to consider, like temperament, size, grooming, and exercise needs. 

Breeders often choose to match two different breeds to capture some of the best characteristics of both. These various matchups have led to a popular assortment of Doodle breeds over the past few decades.

What Are Doodle Breeds?

Simply put, Doodle breeds are dogs with a Poodle parent. Breeders pair up a Miniature, Standard, or Toy Poodle with another breed of dog to create a variety of Doodle mixes.

Why Do People Breed Doodle Breeds?

Demand is high for Doodle breeds because of their cute looks, generally good temperaments, and in many cases, low shedding. The minimal shedding tends to make Doodles more allergy-friendly dogs, making them a good match for people dealing with these types of problems. 

Of course, the exact traits of each dog depend on which type of poodle breeds with which kind of pup, so every Doodle dog is unique. For example, a study discussing pairing a Poodle with a Labrador suggests a pretty even split of each pup’s characteristics. However, the same study had different results when it came to Golden Retrievers.

Therefore, when planning to add a Poodle mix to the family, do what you would do with any new canine addition. Get to know the individual dog before making assumptions strictly based on the parent breeds.

Another important thing to keep in mind if you plan to get a Doodle is to be wary of where you get them. Since Doodles have become so popular (even a status symbol for some), it’s led to many unscrupulous people trying to sell them. Puppy mills do a sneakily good job at disguising themselves as reputable breeders, so dig deep and make sure you’re dealing with a legitimate, ethical breeder.

15 Popular Doodle Breeds

Choosing the right Doodle breed for your lifestyle isn’t like picking out the best dog bowl. But you do have a lot of options. There are many kinds of Doodle breeds out there. However, these are some of the most popular.

1. Goldendoodle

The Goldendoodle is likely one of the most famous of all the Doodle breeds. It is a cross between a Standard or Miniature Poodle and a Golden Retriever.

  • Average Height: 20 to 22 inches
  • Average Weight: 50 to 80 pounds
  • Temperament: Playful, loyal, affectionate
  • Average Lifespan: 10 to 15 years
  • Activity Level: Very active, needs lots of exercise
  • Typical Coat Texture: Wavy or curly
  • Common Coat Colors: Golden, cream, black, parti, red

2. Labradoodle

A Labrador and either a Miniature or Standard Poodle come together to breed yet another extremely popular Doodle breed, the Labradoodle.

  • Average Height: 21 to 24 inches
  • Average Weight: 50 to 65 pounds
  • Temperament: Loyal, intelligent, playful
  • Average Lifespan: 12 to 16 years
  • Activity Level: Very active, needs lots of exercise
  • Typical Coat Texture: Straight or wavy
  • Common Coat Colors: Black, golden, red, yellow, chocolate

3. Maltipoo

All Poodle mixes don’t end with an “oodle.” A Maltipoo is a mix between a Maltese and a Toy Poodle and is one of the smaller Doodle mixes.

  • Average Height: 8 to 14 inches
  • Average Weight: 5 to 20 pounds
  • Temperament: Friendly, intelligent, outgoing
  • Average Lifespan: 10 to 16 years
  • Activity Level: Medium
  • Typical Coat Texture: Straight, wavy, or curly
  • Common Coat Colors: White, cream, chocolate, apricot

4. Schnoodle

A Schnoodle is a good option if you prefer a Doodle breed that’s more medium-sized. This pup is a mix between a Miniature Schnauzer and a Miniature Poodle.

  • Average Height: 10 to 12 inches
  • Average Weight: 10 to 30 pounds
  • Temperament: Loyal, friendly, likes to bark
  • Average Lifespan: 10 to 16 years
  • Activity Level: Medium
  • Typical Coat Texture: Curly

5. Whoodle

Put together a Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier and a Standard Poodle and you get a Whoodle.

  • Average Height: 17 to 20 inches
  • Average Weight: 30 to 45 pounds
  • Temperament: Active, friendly, intelligent
  • Average Lifespan: 12 to 15 years
  • Activity Level: High
  • Typical Coat Texture: Wavy or curly
  • Common Coat Colors: Cream, apricot

6. Cockapoo

The Cockapoo mixes the Cocker Spaniel with a Miniature Poodle.

  • Average Height: 10 to 15 inches
  • Average Weight: 15 to 25 pounds
  • Temperament: Social, intelligent, friendly, trainable
  • Average Lifespan: 12 to 15 years
  • Activity Level: Medium
  • Typical Coat Texture: Straight, wavy, curly
  • Common Coat Colors: White, chocolate, apricot, black, cream, golden

7. Doxiepoo

A Doxiepoo pairs the long body of a Dachshund with the low shedding and trainability of a Poodle.

  • Average Height: 5 to 15 inches
  • Average Weight: 5 to 30 pounds
  • Temperament: Vocal, determined, athletic
  • Average Lifespan: 10 to 18 pounds
  • Activity Level: Medium
  • Typical Coat Texture: Straight, wavy, curly
  • Common Coat Colors: Black, chocolate, cream, dapple

8. Sheepadoodle

The curls of a Standard Poodle and fuzziness of an Old English Sheepdog create one fluffy Doodle mix, the Sheepadoodle.

  • Average Height: 16 to 27 inches
  • Average Weight: 65 to 85 pounds
  • Temperament: Affectionate, intelligent, loyal
  • Average Lifespan: 12 to 15 pounds
  • Activity Level: High, provide lots of exercise
  • Typical Coat Texture: Straight, wavy
  • Common Coat Colors: White and gray

9. Cavapoo

A Cavapoo is a mix between a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Miniature Poodle.

  • Average Height: 9 to 14 inches
  • Average Weight: 8 to 25 pounds
  • Temperament: Friendly, gentle, playful
  • Average Lifespan: 10 to 15 years
  • Activity Level: Medium
  • Typical Coat Texture: Wavy, curly
  • Common Coat Colors: Apricot, black, chocolate, cream

10. Foodle

Another smaller Doodle breed is the Foodle, making it a good pick for apartment living. The Foodle pairs a Toy Fox Terrier with a Toy Poodle. 

  • Average Height: 10 to 11 inches
  • Average Weight: 9 to 12 pounds
  • Temperament: Trainable, alert, affectionate
  • Average Lifespan: 10 to 13 years
  • Activity Level: High, a good hour or two of exercise a day should meet their needs
  • Typical Coat Texture: Wavy, curly
  • Common Coat Colors: Black, brown, white

11. Yorkiepoo

Another good choice if a small dog is your wish is a Yorkiepoo, which is a match between a Yorkshire Terrier and a Toy Poodle.

  • Average Height: 7 to 15 inches
  • Average Weight: 5 to 15 pounds
  • Temperament: Vocal, Social, Affectionate, Smart
  • Average Lifespan: 10 to 12 years
  • Activity Level: Medium (This breed is energetic, but thanks to their small stature, 30 minutes of play or exercise daily is ample.)
  • Typical Coat Texture: Curly, wiry
  • Common Coat Colors: Black, gray, blue, cream, brown

12. Shih-poo

A Shih-Poo is a cross between a Toy Poodle and a Shih Tzu. This small pup is another good fit for dog lovers seeking a Doodle on the smaller side.

  • Average Height: 8 to 15 inches
  • Average Weight: 7 to 20 pounds
  • Temperament: Affectionate, playful, energetic
  • Average Lifespan: 10 to 12 years
  • Activity Level: Medium (This pup has lots of spunk, but is content with brisk walks on a leash and indoor playtime.)
  • Typical Coat Texture: Short and curly
  • Common Coat Colors: Yellow, cream, white, gray, black, brown

13. Bernedoodle

After a closer look at a few of the smaller Doodle breeds, it’s time to showcase another big one. The Bernedoodle is a mix between a Standard Poodle and a Bernese Mountain Dog.

  • Average Height: 23 to 29 inches
  • Average Weight: 50 to 90 pounds
  • Temperament: Stubborn, easygoing, loyal
  • Average Lifespan: 12 to 18 years
  • Activity Level: Medium
  • Typical Coat Texture: Straight, wavy, curly
  • Common Coat Colors: Black, tri-color, black and white

14. Aussiedoodle

Put together an Australian Shepherd and a Standard Poodle, and what do you get? You get an Aussiedoodle.

  • Average Height: 20 to 25 inches
  • Average Weight: 60 to 75 pounds
  • Temperament: Smart, friendly, playful
  • Average Lifespan: 10 to 14 years
  • Activity Level: Very active
  • Typical Coat Texture: Straight, wavy, curly
  • Common Coat Colors: Tri-color, chocolate, dapple, fawn

15. Havapoo

The Havapoo results from breeding a Havanese with a Miniature or Toy Poodle. It also goes by Poovanese, Havadoodle, or Havanoodle.

  • Average Height: 8 to 15 inches
  • Average Weight: 7 to 30 pounds
  • Temperament: Social, loyal, obedient
  • Average Lifespan: 12 to 15 years
  • Activity Level: Medium to high (This pup loves to play, so they need a few hours of exercise a day. But walks and indoor playtime or exploring the backyard are all adequate options.)
  • Typical Coat Texture: Wavy, curly
  • Common Coat Colors: Brown, tan, white, gray, black
Picture of a poodle

Oodles of Doodles

As you can see, you have plenty of options when it comes to choosing a Doodle breed. And these are only snapshots of the more popular Poodle mixes. There are even more out there if you know a Doodle is the canine companion for you.

Remember, to take your time researching which dog is the best choice for you and your lifestyle. Also, carefully research where you plan to get your new furry friend to make sure you’re using a reputable breeder and not a puppy mill in disguise. For more helpful tips on everything dog, check out the rest of the Neater Pets blog


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