Your pets are a part of your family, and for many, pets are like little people with fur. Even actress Elizabeth Taylor once said, “Some of my best leading men have been dogs and horses.” Undeniably, pets hold a special place in our hearts and provide unconditional love. Therefore, pampering your pets seems to be a logical way to return the favor.
Of course, you do all of the necessary things for your furry pal. You feed them, provide them with fresh water, take them to regular vet checkups, and give them snuggles. Taking care of your dog or cat is one of the best ways to show them how much you love them (not to mention lots of belly rubs).
But what if you want to do something extra special for your fur baby? Check out these ten easy ways you can pamper your pet and shower them with attention.
Pampering Your Pet with Products
Nowadays, there’s a whole industry devoted to marketing pet products. Many of the things you can buy for dogs and cats resemble the same things you’d buy for people. You’ll find pet-friendly ice cream, clothing, and even wine.
If you want to give your pal a special gift, consider these pet product options.
1. A Licking Mat Filled with a Tasty Treat
Toys provide entertainment and stimulation to pets. A snuggly plush animal gives your dog the perfect cuddle buddy. Hidden treat puzzles offer pets a way to exercise their bodies and their brains.
Now, what if you gave your pet a toy with some yummy goodness to go along with it? Grab a Neat-Lik Mat and spread peanut butter, yogurt, or other soft treats on top for your pet to enjoy. The licking will release endorphins, so they will feel as relaxed as you do after a good massage. Looking to help cool your pet off on a hot summer day? The Neat-Lik can also be frozen for a longer-lasting, ice cold treat.
2. A Pet Wardrobe
If you love to play dress-up, get your pet in on the action. Of course, this pampering tip only works if your canine companion or feline friend likes to get decked out in the latest fashion and accessories. Otherwise, it might send them running under the bed or hiding behind the couch.
But, if your pet loves getting dressed up, then the options are endless. Adorn your kitty in a floral bow tie, or snap some pics of your pooch in a sweet vintage leather dog jacket.
3. Dog and Cat Wine
How does relaxing with a glass of wine and spending some time with your best friend sound? Pour yourself a glass of your favorite vino, and serve your pal some pet-approved wine. To make things even more special, get your pet a fancy water bowl for the occasion.
4. An Ice Cream Surprise
If wine isn’t your thing, how about kicking back with your favorite TV show and a tub of ice cream? Your dog will go bananas as they dig into a tub of doggy ice cream. Serve it in a fancy bowl and top it with some of their favorite treats.
5. Create a Zen Zone for Your Pet
Designate a space in your home to create a calming zen retreat for your pet. First, observe your cat or dog to see what areas they tend to gravitate to the most to determine the best place.
Fill the area with a new, cushy pet bed, a fresh bowl of water, and a basket with your pet’s favorite toys. Dim the lights, play soft music, and let your pet know that this is their space. They’ll appreciate a place to go when they need some quiet and alone time.

Special Ways to Pamper Your Pets
Beyond the toys, pet beds, clothes, and other fun products, you can pamper your pet with all sorts of activities. Take your pal on a special pet-centered vacation, give them a relaxing massage, or whip up some special DIY goodies.
1. Take Your Pet on Vacation
Book a weekend or an overnight stay at a pet-friendly hotel that caters to their furry clientele. Many hotels that welcome pets offer special packages including cozy beds, complimentary treats, a welcome toy, and other add-ons.
For a more rustic experience, go camping with your dog or hiking with your cat. Take your time and give your pet opportunities to explore, sniff, and investigate their environment.
2. Book a Spa Day
Yes, there are pet spas, so you can actually book a spa day for your pal. Do a Google search for a nearby pampering palace and check out the reviews. Ask your fellow pet parents and your vet for recommendations.
Can’t find a pet-friendly spa near you? No problem. You don’t have to go to an actual spa to pamper your pet. You can treat your best friend to a relaxing day at home with a gentle massage, a lengthy brush out, and any other grooming practices your pet happens to love.
3. Bake DIY Treats
If you love to cook and bake, then use your love for these activities to dote on your pet pal. Bake your cat or dog some DIY treats with some of their favorite flavors. Give your dog some peanut butter paw print cookies, or make your cat salivate over tasty salmon cupcakes.
4. Throw a Pet Party
Is your pet’s birthday coming up? Why not throw them a party with all the trimmings? Bake a yummy carob cake for your pup, surprise your cat with tuna tarts, and invite some furry friends to celebrate.
Decorate with pet-themed party flair and gather photos of your furry friend to create a collage that shows off some of your most precious times together. It’s all about giving your pet all of the attention and some well-deserved extra love.
5. Spend the Day with Your Pet
By far, one of the most amazing ways you can pamper your pet is super easy and doesn’t have to cost you anything. It’s simply spending time with them. Your pet wants nothing more than to be with you, so imagine how excited they’ll be when you devote your day to them.
Take your pet along for the ride one day as you run errands. Schedule your day so you visit pet-friendly stores, and grab some lunch at a restaurant with a pet-friendly patio. Look for a dog-friendly restaurant that offers a pup menu so your pooch can chow down as you dine.
Or stay home and have a pet day. Go for a walk with your pet, cuddle up and watch a movie together, and play in the backyard. The gift of your time is one of the greatest things you can give to anyone, including your faithful companion.
Show Your Pet Some Extra Love
It’s not hard to show your pet how much you care about them. Squeezing in an extra play session during the day is often all it takes to send your furry companion over the moon and back.
Now it’s time to decide how you’ll show your pet some extra love. Snap a pic of you pampering your pet and share it with us. For more tips and ideas on how to create the best life for you and your pet, check out the rest of the Neater Pets blog.